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From the Desk of.. our Morah on Wheels

Shimmy, an adorable 5 year old, hasn't been in Cheder since his diagnosis this past Rosh Hashanah. Our devoted Morahs on Wheels have been teaching him Kriah at home and in the hospital, ensuring that he doesn't fall behind his class at this crucial time. This week on a phone call with his Rebbe and class, Shimmy offered to read. His Rebbe hesitated, not wanting Shimmy to be embarrassed by his lack of knowledge. Shimmy then proceeded to fluently read exactly what his class was doing that day. Shocked, his Rebbe blurted "Which Malach taught you Nekudos???" 

Which Malach?

The Malachim at Kochavim whose tireless thought, care, and effort ensure that #nochildhoodisleftbehind.